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School Board

Frequently Asked Questions about the DCS School Board

1) What is the relationship between the church and the school?

Delaware Christian School is a ministry of Delaware Bible Church.  This means that the ultimate human authority over the school is the Delaware Bible Church Elder Board.  However, with the exception of a small list of items, the Elder Board has delegated most oversight responsibilities to the DCS School Board.  The Head of School and some key positions such as Bible Teacher must be members of DBC.  The church pastors will often speak at chapels.  We believe that a school that is connected to a church provides more protection against possible outside interference as well as from drifting into false Bible teachings.  The church Elders, the school board, and the Head of School all work together to ensure the Bible is being taught accurately while also giving grace to those who might hold other positions on debatable issues.

2) How is the DCS Board composed?

The school board has flexibility regarding the overall size of the board.  As the school grows, the board can add members.  Typically members are composed of Delaware Bible Church members, DCS parents, and DCS grandparents.  According to policy, Delaware Bible Church members must outnumber non-members by at least one.

3) What does the school board do?
This is a very typical question.  In essence the School Board does four things.  First, they hire the Head of School with input from the church Elders.  The DCS Head of School must be a member of Delaware Bible Church.  Second, the board oversees the financial dealings of the school.  Third, the board looks after the spiritual health of the school mostly through their review of the Head of School.  Lastly, the school board writes and reviews policy for all aspects of the institution.
4) Are the school board meetings open to the public?
No.  However, if you'd like to attend a school board meeting to observe, you'd be welcome to do so by coordinating with the school office. You can read the most recent School Board Meeting Summary by clicking here.
5) How do I communicate with the board?
You can email the school board president who will either answer your question direction or carry your question to the full board at the next monthly meeting.  The email address is school.board@dcschool.org.
6) How do I serve on the DCS Board?
The school board selects its own members.  You can request an application to be considered as a school board member by contacting the school office.  The greatest consideration will be given to those who possess talents and abilities that would be helpful to the board in advancing the mission of DCS.

School Board Members

Beth Costello
Beth received her Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations with a minor in Communications from Ohio Dominican University. Beth met her husband, Tom while in grade school and they were married in 2010. Their sons Hunter and Braxton currently attend DCS. Beth has worked in Marketing, Public Relations and Sales. She was laid off while pregnant with their second child Braxton in 2012.  At that time Beth and Tom felt that the Lord wanted her to stay home with the children.  After four and half years of staying home Beth was approached for a position with Grainger, where she is currently employed as an Account Manager. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family. They enjoy camping, cooking out, being outside, working on their home and working out. Beth has always known the Lord and has always had the peace of God in her heart. In her twenties she was saved and gave her life to Christ. She attends Lifepoint Church - Delaware with her family. Her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

Pete Edmonds
Pete Edmonds was born in Marion, OH. He was blessed to grow up in a pastor’s family, attend Christian schools, and come to know Jesus as his Savior at a young age. He graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has worked in various capacities at Battelle, in Columbus, for over 15 years, and currently manages the Facilities Planning, Engineering, and Construction team. Pete and his wife, Tiffany, were married in 2005 and have three daughters Ellia, Remae, and Nola, who attend DCS. After many years in Westerville, the Edmonds family now resides in Ostrander and attends Lifepoint Church, Delaware. Pete enjoys home projects, bonfires, raising chickens, and working and playing outdoors with his girls. One of his favorite verses is Philippians 1:21, “To live is Christ and to die is gain.”

Bart Hughes: President
Bart was born in Delaware, Ohio but spent his elementary and middle school years in Circleville. He moved to a Pickaway county farm while a freshman in high school. He met his wife, Beth, in junior high school and they were married in 1988. They have two adult daughters who are DCS alumnae. He worked as an agricultural equipment mechanic and was a department manager for many years. He is currently working in the industrial automation industry. He became a Christian when he was 19 years old and has been seeking to walk with the Lord ever since. His family has attended Delaware Bible Church since 2002. He taught Sunday School, and has helped with VBS and men’s ministry. He has served on various church committees including the DBC Elder Board. His favorite Bible verse is Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”

Tracy Pearch
Tracy was born and raised in Marion, Ohio and moved to South Carolina after high school to pursue a degree in Exercise Science from Furman University. While in the south, she also earned graduate degrees in Exercise Physiology and Public Health and met her husband Seth who is a Clemson alumnus. They were married in 2002 and worked in South Carolina for several years before moving back to Ohio. They currently reside in Delaware and have two girls who are both in middle school at DCS and have attended since kindergarten. Tracy has worked in different areas of individual and employee wellness over the years, but her greatest career achievement is being able to be home with her two girls and to help maintain their household. She is passionate about people and loves to volunteer – at the school, at area hospitals, at her church, and at other community agencies in Delaware. Her family’s favorite volunteering role is raising puppies for Canine Companions for Independence – so many cute puppies! In her free time, Tracy enjoys being active, spending time with her family (and their 4 dogs!) and being outdoors. She loves the Lord and is so thankful that her girls get to attend a school where they learn about and engage in a true biblical worldview. Her favorite verse is Galatians 5:22-23: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."

Jonathan Polsdorfer
Jonathan was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, in a Christian home where as a kindergartender he accepted Jesus. After graduating from Cedarville University with a Communications degree, he worked in local television at WBNS-10TV for ten years. He then moved to the corporate world and is now a Communications Manager at JPMorgan Chase. Jonathan married Rebecca in 2016. They have two young boys, Samuel and Judah, and attend Delaware Bible Church. Jonathan enjoys basketball, skiing, home projects, and time with family. His favorite Bible verse is 1 Timothy 6:11-12, 17-21: "But you, man of God, run from these things, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness..."

Stacey Taylor
Stacey was born and raised in a small farming community in Iowa. She and her husband, Jeff were married in 2005 and a few short months later, moved to Delaware, Ohio. They are members of Delaware Bible Church where they teach 1st-3rd grade Sunday school. Stacey earned an Associate’s degree in Business Administration from ITT Technical Institute in 2009. She also worked as an administrative assistant, first for an accounting firm, and then for an oil and energy company. Jeff and Stacey welcomed their son, Noah, in 2011. Noah is a 5th grader at Delaware Christian School. Stacey has always had a love for taking care of and working with children. She has enjoyed volunteering in various children’s ministries at church and in her son’s classroom at DCS. In 2013, she opened an in-home daycare after her job was moved out of state. After six years of providing childcare, Stacey began working at DCS as a teacher’s aide. In her spare time, Stacey enjoys spending time with her family, baking, reading, and being outdoors. Her favorite bible verse is Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Jesse Vergara
Jesse was born in Lorain, Ohio and is the eldest son of parents who served as a Minister and Music leader in various churches. The focus of their ministry was in planting mission churches in various locations throughout Ohio, serving English and Spanish speaking residents. Jesse moved to Columbus in 1994 and received his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, with a track in Operations from DeVry University, and earned his MBA from Franklin University. Jesse met his wife, AnnMarie while both working at Safelite Auto Glass and married in 1999. The Lord blessed them with their son Anthony, who is currently an 8th grader at DCS and has attended DCS since the sixth grade. Jesse has worked in business and technology for many years and works for Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company as a leader and Director in Digital Product Management. Jesse has a passion for serving others and is in his sixth year on the Nationwide Activities Association board, where he has been the Treasurer, President and currently serves as a mentor to new board officers. In his spare time, Jesse enjoys spending time with his family, attending Major League baseball games, boating, fishing, volunteering, and is a life-long learner. Jesse is fortunate given his upbringing and has always had positive role models that helped him understand the importance of knowing Jesus and having a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior. He was saved at eight-years old at a Seneca Lake youth retreat and life has never been the same. Jesse and his family attend Delaware Christian Church and his favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13 (ESV) “I can do all things through him who strengthens me." 

Lea Witt
Lea Witt is a family nurse practioner that practices in Delaware, Ohio. She and her husband, Truman, have three children who attend DCS. Lea and Truman are DCS alumni. In her spare time, Lea enjoys reading and riding her Peloton. Her favorite Bible verse is Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Zach Younkin
Zach was born in a Christian home in Delaware, Ohio and has attended church since birth, accepting Christ as a young child. After graduating from Western Governors University, Zach created a human resource department from scratch for a local construction company. Now in the employee benefits space, Zach spends his time working with employers and brokers across the US to bring innovative programs to their employees. Outside of his professional life, Zach values the time he spends with his family. He has been married to Grace (Koval, DCS class of 2006) since 2015, and together they have a son, Elliott, who attends DCS. Zach enjoys traveling with his family, creating unforgettable memories that his son will cherish.  Titus 3:8 has recently been a verse that has encouraged him, "The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people."